

I have a few suggestions (for Blob URL) for you, because in my experience, they
should be part of the specification.

*The events:*

Currently it is not possible not to know if a Blob URL has been loaded by
the browser, whether it is an image, a file download, etc..

For example, currently, I am developing a text editor allowing my users to
save their changes, using an anchor.

No method allows me to notify the user that the file has been saved (by
changing the color of the editor tab, for example, like Notepad++).

In addition, these events could be useful to ensure that the Blob URL is
loaded only once.

*The name of the file:*

A file name may likewise be very useful. I think a consideration of option
as BlobURL.name and/or based on the value of the download attribute of an
anchor to which the Blob URL is attached.

*The full path of the file:*

Currently, according to my tests on Firefox, I noticed the inability to
specify the full path of the file, converts all Firefox ":" & "/" by

I am not suggesting that when the user clicks, the file is saved to the
specified path directly but offers a prompt browser to save the file to the
specified path, just like a Save as.

In my opinion, the full path chosen by the user should be able to be recovered,
for example, for monitoring the integrity of the application.

It should be specified, either by the download attribute value or by a Blob URL

Well, that's all for now, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to
contact me, I will answer with pleasure.


Michaël Rouges

Received on Friday, 15 March 2013 13:56:32 UTC