Recent Sync XHR changes and impact on automatically translated JavaScript code


I recently posted on
about the change to XHR which now appears to be working its way into 
Mainstream users' browsers.

As requested, I'll pursue on this list - apologies for the earlier bug spam.

My issue is that I have WebGL JavaScript that is machine-generated from 
a binary file - which is itself synchronous. It was working fine:

It now fails on Firefox (and shortly on Chrome I imagine) because it 
can't get an ArrayBuffer from a synchronous request. It may be possible 
to split the execution and make it asynchronous, however this is a very 
large undertaking as you may get an idea of from looking at the source.

My understanding is that JavaScript Workers won't be able to access 
WebGL, so I am unable to just run the code as a worker.

What options do I have here?

* Extensive rewrite to try and automatically translate the code to be 
* Use normal Synchronous XHR and send the data I require in text form, 
then turn it back into an ArrayBuffer with JavaScript

Are there any other options?

Right now, #2 is looking like the only sensible option - which is a 
shame as it will drastically decrease the UX.

- Gordon

Received on Tuesday, 20 March 2012 16:18:05 UTC