Re: FileSystem API: Adding file size field to Metadata?

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 10:47 AM, Kinuko Yasuda <> wrote:

> Hi,
> While looking at the FileSystem API draft I noticed that we only expose
> 'modificationTime' in 'Metadata' object.  Since FileEntry itself doesn't
> have 'size' field unlike File object maybe it's reasonable to add 'size'
> field to Metadata?
> Without adding this we can indirectly get the file size by creating 'File'
> object via FileEntry.file() method and accessing File.size, but when an app
> wants to display the modificationTime and file size at once (and it sounds
> very plausible use case) the app needs to call two different async
> methods-- which doesn't sound very nice.  WDYT?
> Thanks,
> Kinuko

I think this is a nice improvement.  File size is very obviously something
one might expect to be included in meta data for a file :-)


Received on Tuesday, 28 February 2012 21:53:13 UTC