Re: [webcomponents] Considering declarative event handlers

What about conflict with existing specification rules? - under #12,
limits the use of event and for attributes to load and window respectively.


On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 3:05 PM, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:

> On 2/7/12 2:41 PM, Dimitri Glazkov wrote:
>> <div class="overflow">
>>     <script event="click">
>>         // "this" is the parent div element.
>>         // "event" is the current event object.
>>         if ( != 'more')
>>             return;
>>         if (this.moreOpened)
>>             this.closeMore();
>>        ...
>>     </script>
>> </div>
> This looks an awful lot like what XBL does (it uses <handler> elements for
> this).
> People had some issues with this, which is why XBL2 had moved to a single
> script blob that just set things like the onclick attribute.
> I assume you've looked into what these issues were?  At least ask hyatt
> and hixie, please.
>  * It's declarative and intuitively logical
>> * The script does not have to run (or even compile) until event fires
>> * The author does not need to imperatively go find the element in the
>> tree to attach an event handler to it
> #3 is achievable with other approaches (e.g. just having a <script> that
> runs with "this" set to the element in question or something).
> #2 is true, but would be equally true with:
>  this.onclick = function() { .... }
> I think.  The only thing the UA would have to do there is syntax-check the
> function, which I think is desirable to do anyway for error reporting
> purposes.
> -Boris

Received on Tuesday, 7 February 2012 20:18:16 UTC