Re: [File API] Draft for Review

On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <>wrote:

> As I argued in <
> we should absolutely *not* be adding more boolean arguments to the
> platform.  They should be exposed as boolean properties in an
> dictionary.

I don't find this compelling; you could make the same argument for any
optional argument.  When you only have a couple arguments, the additional
verbosity is a loss, particularly if the argument is used frequently.

When to use a dictionary is a judgement call, but it doesn't have anything
to do with the argument's type.

Naked bools are impossible to decipher without memorizing the call
> signature of every function.

Unless you're going to argue that *all* optional arguments should be moved
to dictionaries, this doesn't make sense--you always have to know the call
signature of functions you're calling.  That's no burden as long as you
don't have too many arguments (like init*Event).

Glenn Maynard

Received on Friday, 27 January 2012 00:43:01 UTC