Re: File modification

On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 1:29 PM, Charles Pritchard <> wrote:
> Modern operating systems have efficient mechanisms to send a signal when a watched file or directory is modified.
> File and FileEntry have a last modified date-- currently we must poll entries to see if the modification date changes. That works completely fine in practice, but it doesn't give us a chance to exploit the efficiency of some operating systems in notifying applications about file updates.
> So as a strawman: a File.onupdated event handler may be useful.

It seems like it would be most useful if the File or FileEntry points
to a file outside the sandbox defined by the FileSystem spec.  Does
any browser currently supply such a thing?  Chrome currently
implements this [with FileEntry] only for ChromeOS components that are
implemented as extensions.  Does any browser let you have a File
outside the sandbox *and* update its modification time?

If you're dealing only with FileEntries inside the sandbox, there are
already more efficient ways to tell yourself that you've changed

Received on Tuesday, 10 January 2012 21:54:04 UTC