Re: [XHR] Redirects

This is a almost 2 year old thread but I am actually looking in
implementing some tools that can only work in 100% of the cases if it is
possible for XHR not to follow the redirects.
I am not sure why this has been dropped but I think it would be time to
bring it back.

I think we can agree that being able to read and process the redirects in
some way under some limitations, it is far better than not being able to do
it at all like it is happening today.

I am not an expert of XHR but I read through the posts and this is my
proposal to which you can feel free to make changes of any kind.

*Instead* of adding a followRedirect true/false, add a processRedirects
If it is NOT defined the browser keeps behaving how it is currently doing
If it is defined, the function is called after reading the page and before
reading the next page specified by the redirect. processRedirects can
return false to say the browser not to follow the redirect. If the function
return true, the browser move to the next request and once it completes, it
call again processRedirects and so on till the final destination.

processRedirects should  receives in some way the XHR object, the ordinal
number of the redirects followed so far, any other things that makes simple
to use read the Location with any other data/header from the server.

If it works only in async calls, it should be Ok.

Let me know what you think. And I hope that sooner than later we will be
able to do a request at the time without necessarily having to follow the


Received on Sunday, 24 June 2012 20:23:47 UTC