Re: [webcomponents] HTML Parsing and the <template> element

* Rafael Weinstein wrote:
>I think looking at this as whether we are "breaking the correspondance
>between source and DOM" may not be helpful -- because it's likely to
>be a matter of opinion. I'd like to suggest that we look at more
>precise issues.
>There are several axes of "presence" for elements WRT to a Document:
>-serialization: do the elements appear in the serialization of the
>Document, as delivered to the client and if the client re-serializes
>via innerHTML, etc...
>-DOM traversal: do the elements appear via traversing the document's
>childNodes hierarchy
>-querySelector*, get*by*, etc: are the element's returned via various
>document-level query mechanisms
>-CSS: are the element's considered for matching any present or future
>document-level selectors

And one might take the position that all of these should be defined in
terms of what you call "DOM traversal", making them all the same, with-
in the confines of a DOM View, a concept that has fallen out of favour.

>The goal of the <template> element is this: the page author would like
>a declarative mechanism to author DOM fragments which are not in use
>as of page construction, but are readily available to be used when
>needed. Further, the author would like to be able to declare the
>fragments inline, at the location in the document where they should be
>placed, if & when they are needed.
>Thus, template require that its contents be "present" for only
>serialization, and not for DOM traversal, querySelector*/etc..., or

I do not see the "thus" here.
Björn Höhrmann · ·
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Received on Tuesday, 12 June 2012 01:49:36 UTC