Re: Push API draft uploaded

On 05/24/2012 09:14 AM, SULLIVAN, BRYAN L wrote:
> Thanks to the inestimable help of the W3C staff I am now plugged into
> the mercurial mainline and have uploaded the first stab at the Push

A couple of notes on the WebIDL:

* PushManager has
   |PushService requestRemotePermission ([Optional] DOMString url);|,
   should be ... (optional DOMString url), though the spec doesn't
   appear to define what happens when url is omitted; same for
* There does not appear to be a need to make PushManager and PushService
   use [NoInterfaceObject], so please remove that.
* PushService.readyState is a DOMString, but the spec defines it to
   return the unsigned short constants CONNECTING/OPEN/CLOSED. Please
   get rid of the constants.

"The requestUrl attribute must return the absolute URL where the webapp 
server can send Push service messages to this webapp." should probably 
refer to |serviceUrl|, not |requestUrl|.

A reference to DOM4 for the DOMError interface should probably be added. 
Also, the "resolve a url" cross-reference is broken.


Received on Thursday, 24 May 2012 07:33:17 UTC