Re: [webcomponents] HTML Parsing and the <template> element

On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 2:40 PM, Brian Kardell <> wrote:

> All that said,  maybe with some time and experience I could learn to
> love it as DOM too... I'm really not trying to be the only one arguing
> endlessly about it, so unless someone backs me up on at least some
> point here I will rest my case :)

I feel the same way. I'm not really sure why we would want to use elements
and attributes to define the templating language. If the purpose is "we can
now parse templates using DOM", then I have to wonder if anyone using
templates is actually asking for that. I know of two use cases that need to
be solved:

1) Templates that cleanly include "</script>".
2) Generating fragments with arbitrary top-level elements.

Are there other use cases that are trying to be solved with <template>?

Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 19:01:21 UTC