Well, the start of this thread stated (emphasis mine):
"One modification is that the 'connect' event's source port is exposed in
.source *instead of* in .ports[0], to make it closer to the API for
cross-document messaging. Maybe we should make this change to Shared
Workers as well."
Not populating ports[0] with the port is a non-backwards-compatible change,
I think. Is there a different proposal on the table now, such as keeping
the current value of ports[0] but additionally setting the source attribute
to the same value?
On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 10:56 PM, Jonas Sicking <jonas@sicking.cc> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 10:44 PM, David Levin <levin@google.com> wrote:
> > What is the backwards compatibility story for websites already using
> > SharedWorkers with the interface that has been in the spec for over a
> year
> > now?
> >
> > There are sites using them. For example, Google Docs uses them and Google
> > Web Toolkit exposes them.
> As far as I can see there are no backwards compat breaking changes
> proposed. Are there any particular parts you are worried about?
> / Jonas