Re: [XHR] responseType "json"

On Sun, 11 Dec 2011 15:44:58 +0100, Jarred Nicholls <>  
> I understand that's how you spec'ed it, but it's not how it's implemented
> in IE nor WebKit for legacy purposes - which is what I meant in the above
> statement.

What do you mean legacy purposes? responseType is a new feature. And we  
added it in this way in part because of feedback from the WebKit community  
that did not want to keep the raw data around.

In the thread where we discussed adding it the person working on it for  
WebKit did seem to plan on implementing it per the specification:

> In WebKit and IE <=9, a responseType of "", "text",
> or "document" means access to both responseXML and responseText.  I don't
> know what IE10's behavior is yet.

IE8 could not have supported this feature and for IE9 I could not find any  
documentation. Are you sure they implemented it?

Given that Gecko does the right thing and Opera will too (next major  
release I believe) I do not really see any reason to change the  

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Monday, 12 December 2011 10:40:03 UTC