Re: CfC: publish new WD of XHR; deadline December 5

On Thu, 01 Dec 2011 13:29:37 +0100, Arthur Barstow <>  
> It appears Adrian is proposing:
>   .../TR/XMLHttpRequest/  be a WG Note but it's not clear to me what  
> version of XHR would be used: the 3-Aug-2010 XHR CR, the last ED that  
> was created, some other version?
>   .../TR/XMLHttpRequest2/ be used for Anne's merged version and titled  
> "XMLHttpRequest Level 2".
> Anne, All - WDYT?
> Adrian - if there is consensus to do something like the above, would you  
> commit to doing the editorial work on the WG Note?
> (FWIW, I think Adrian's proposal is reasonable and it meets the I Can  
> Live With It Test and if Anne wants the ED to remain version-less,  
> that's OK, provided L2 is added to versions published in /TR/.)

It seems totally pointless to me, but we can add even more cruft to the  
TR/ versions, sure. I should probably also add a disclaimer similar to  
what has so it is clear TR/ does not represent  
the latest version.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Thursday, 1 December 2011 13:12:17 UTC