Re: [XHR2] Disable new response types for sync XHR in Window context

On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 11:10 AM, Matt Shulman <> wrote:

> I sometimes like to write code in the window context (where debugging
> support is much better) before moving it to a web worker, so it would
> be awkward if the sync options differed on xhr between the two.
> (Analogous to this - I remember once i was trying to use the new
> FileSystemSync API and during development it would have been much
> easier if it had been available in the window context, even though
> eventually I planned to move the code to a worker.)

Improving debugging support in workers is a saner fix for this.  Nobody
wants to expose new synchronous APIs like FileSystemSync to Window.

Glenn Maynard

Received on Wednesday, 16 November 2011 16:21:28 UTC