TAG Comment on Web Storage

Sorry I messed up the subject of the first copy of this note. (I was 
checking to make sure I got the title of the working draft right, put it in 
the body of the note, and forgot the subject line). Please accept my 
apologies...the risks of working in a hurry while running out the door.


On 11/15/2011 5:05 PM, Noah Mendelsohn wrote:
> This is a comment from the W3C Technical Architecture Group on the last
> call working draft: "Web Storage" [1].
> The HTML5 Application Cache (AppCache) [2] and Local Storage [1] both
> provide client-side storage that can be used by Web Applications. Although
> the interfaces are different (AppCache has an HTML interface while Local
> Storage has a JavaScript API), and they do seem to have been designed with
> different use cases in mind, they provide somewhat related facilities: both
> cause persistent storage for an application to be created, accessed and
> managed locally at the client. If, for example, the keys in Local Storage
> were interpreted as URIs then Local Storage could be used to store manifest
> files and Web Applications could be written to look transparently for
> manifest files in either the AppCache or in Local Storage. One might also
> envision common facilities for querying the size of or releasing all of the
> local storage for a given application.
> At the Offline Web Applications Workshop on Nov 5, 2011 [3] there was a
> request for a JavaScript API for AppCache and talk about coordinating
> AppCache and Local Storage.
> The TAG believes it is important to consider more carefully the potential
> advantages of providing a single facility to cover the use cases, of
> perhaps modularizing the architecture so that some parts are shared, or if
> separate facilities are indeed the best design, providing common data
> access and manipulation APIs. If further careful analysis suggests that no
> such integration is practical, then, at a minimum, each specification
> should discuss how it is positioned with respect to the other.
> Noah Mendelsohn
> For the: W3C Technical Architecture Group
> [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-webstorage-20111025/
> [2] http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/offline.html#appcache
> [3] http://www.w3.org/2011/web-apps-ws/

Received on Tuesday, 15 November 2011 22:12:39 UTC