Re: innerHTML in DocumentFragment

On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 12:27 AM, Simon Pieters <> wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Nov 2011 18:32:36 +0100, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:
>> And yes, this does create a lot of edge cases which needs to be
>> defined. But the goal should be to make sane calls sane, that seems
>> imminently possible. So
>> frag.innerHTML = "<g></g>";
>> someSVGElement.appendChild(frag);
>> seems very possible to make work.
> How?

For all element names defined in SVG 1.1 (for now), make the parser
treat it just as it would have if it had parsed "<svg><g>...", except
that it obviously wouldn't output the <svg> element.

There are a few tags where this is a big problem. At least for <a>,
<script> and <style> appear both in SVG and HTML and so for markup
like "<a>...", "<style>..." and "<script>..." we don't know which
namespace to create the element in. Fortunately these elements behave
mostly the same no matter which namespace they are created in.

Unfortunately <style> and <script> are parsed differently depending on
if they live in foreign content or not. However this is something we
can fix, and would lead to a lot of other benefits (such as scripts
parsed consistently when moved around in the markup).

/ Jonas

Received on Friday, 11 November 2011 09:45:25 UTC