Re: [XHR2] Streamed send or receive

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 10:57 AM, Wenbo Zhu <> wrote:
> I'd like to hear from the WG if the following use cases or issues have been
> discussed before.
> 1) When onreadystatechange is invoked as new response data is being
> received, currently there is no way to clear any buffered responseText
> (alike) that has already been consumed. The lack of such a capability will
> force the server to disconnect to avoid memory overflow on the client-side,
> e.g. when the server is streaming a large volume of text or binary data to
> the client.

This problem has been solved in Firefox Aurora by adding chunked text
and chunked ArrayBuffer response types:

Henri Sivonen

Received on Thursday, 6 October 2011 08:44:09 UTC