Re: Mutation events replacement

On 7/3/2011 10:25 AM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 10:04 AM, John J. Barton 
> < <>> wrote:
>     The only part that is async in the Mutation Event replacement is
>     further DOM events.
> No!  Consider execCommand.  To notify scripts of node removals, we 
> have to pre-compute all nodes that are to be removed and make 
> *synchronous* callback for each before removing the node.
I guess there are two different issues here. One has to do with compound 
operations and the other is synchrony.

If you imagine that mutation-cancel implies canceling the compound 
operation, then I  understand your concern.  But if mutation-cancel is 
just mutation-cancel, then you won't need to pre-compute nodes.  The 
developer is responsible for dealing with the consequence of compound 
changes.  If we are writing element-transformers, then we don't care if 
the mutation was triggered by an atomic add or a compound operation. 
Mutation-cancel is just one phase in the transformer.  To put in another 
way: Olli and Jonas are not proposing to add an 
execCommandExcecutedListener and I'm not proposing an 
execCommandExecutingListener so execCommand is not directly at issue.

The synchrony issue is not related to the atomic vs compound operation 
problem. The proposed model mixes synchronous and asynchronous 
mechanisms. How will developers know if the call they make is going to 
work or fail in the proposed model?  Trial and error?

>         I don't think we can address your use case here.  Scripts'
>         intercepting and preventing mutations browser is about to make or
>         mutating DOM in the way browser doesn't expect is exactly what
>         we want
>         to avoid.
>     The stated properties (goals)  of the replacement are (rephased):
>      1. No script operation in the middle of mutation,
>      2. Callback in order of mutation,
>      3. No propagation chain,
>     Importantly the current proposal has an undesirable feature:
>      4. DOM modification in listeners is asynchronous.
>     Preventing mutation in a 'before' listener still allows all of the
>     properties as far as I know.
> Sure if we can disallow all mutations including all properties of DOM 
> nodes, all properties of window, document, etc... and anything that 
> implicitly adds new properties or changes values of those properties 
> or objects.
Ok, that's good, whatever it takes. A DOM API that switches between 
read-only and read-write would much better for developers than a DOM API 
that partly switches to async.
>     A "two-phase-commit" like solution can have all of these
>     properties.  Copy Jonas' AttributeChanged algorithm from the page
>     cited above. Replace "...ed" with "". Add a flag
>     'cancelChange' initially false.  Add step
>        8b. If cancelChange is true, abort these steps and the DOM
>     mutation.  Fire event DOMMutationCanceled
> We don't want to make the event cancelable because canceling a 
> mutation is itself a mutation.
I guess you mean: event cancel changes the program results. True. But 
mutation cancel can't be a mutation since it does not mutate the DOM.
> Consider the case of execCommand or user editing actions.  As soon as 
> we prevent one mutation, the rest of execCommand or user editing 
> actions fall into parts.
Yes, it is true that mutation event handlers can break programs. But 
that is not something the mutation event system can prevent.  It's up to 
developers to learn how to write correct programs. In particular, if 
handlers that prevent an edit action, then it's up to them to deal with 
the consequences.

Consider the alternative. In this use case, the developer wants to 
modify an execCommand. In the current replacement solution they have to 
wait for the execCommand to take effect, then undo the execCommand and 
redo it modified. Creating a good user experience may not be possible.

>     In fact we could go one step further and eliminate the undesirable
>     feature #4: if notifyingCallbacks is true, all DOM write
>     operations fail.  That way developers are never surprised by DOM
>     functions that fail as in the current version. Instead developers
>     will explicitly have to cascade modifications via separate events.
>     This would be a much less mysterious solution.  In some places
>     Firefox already works in the mystery way and speaking from
>     experience it is not fun to figure out why your function calls
>     have no effect.
>     If you have both a before and and after event and both events
>     prevent DOM write, then the programming paradigm could be clear:
>       before handlers cancel mutations and signal 'after' handlers to
>     stage alternatives
>       after handlers stage responses to mutation or alternatives to
>     canceled mutations.
> This feature requires enormous amount of work in the user agent side. 
>  We need to see more use cases outside of extensions and variants.
> At this point, I'm still strongly against implementing such an API as 
> an user agent implementor.
I hope you will be open to alternatives. Sometimes we get very invested 
in one point of view and it takes some time and discussion to give 
alternatives reasonable consideration. Three different alternatives are 
   1. use 'before' or onModelChanging rather than 'after' or 
onModelChanged, add cancel.
   2. as #1 but in addition to 'after'
   3. avoid DOM-write during handlers explicitly rather than implicitly.


Received on Sunday, 3 July 2011 18:43:42 UTC