ISSUE-121 (beforeInput): Consider generalizing the 'textInput' event to cover all user-initiated changes [DOM3 Events]

ISSUE-121 (beforeInput): Consider generalizing the 'textInput' event to cover all user-initiated changes [DOM3 Events]

Raised by: Doug Schepers
On product: DOM3 Events

>From <> by Ojan Vafai:
I don't see the need for a textInput event if we have the beforeInput event.
They are exactly the same except that beforeInput covers more cases. Stated
differently, textInput is a strict subset of beforeInput, so if we implement
beforeInput, we don't need textInput. Developers that only care about
character data can check the value of the data property and get the same

The changes are actually not that dramatic in my view:
1. Add more cases to the list of InputMethodCodes:
2. Rename the event
3. Modify the text under to change from talking about "text input" to something like "anytime the user causes the DOM to be modified".
4. Modify to specify that the data property is the empty string for inputMethods that do not insert plain text.

Received on Friday, 10 September 2010 09:43:38 UTC