Re: [XHR] Redirects

On 13.08.2010 00:03, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> ...
>> For instance, a redirectCount property, default value would be
>> something like Infinity (the user agent could then cap the maximum
>> amount of redirects), and setting it to 0 would prevent any redirect,
>> and setting to something greater than 0 would then limit the redirect
>> chain to that number.
>> If the last http request was 302 and the redirection prevented, then
>> the 302 status code and the last response headers would be returned by
>> the XHR obj.
> What is the use case?
> ...

Some that come to mind quickly:

- Depending on the redirect status, you may want to stop accessing the 
original URI.

- Depending on the method, you may want to confirm with the user whether 
automatically following the redirect is ok.

- You may want to display the actual URI somewhere in the UI.

Best regards, Julian

Received on Friday, 13 August 2010 13:07:03 UTC