[IndexedDB] Atomic schema changes

Hi All,

In bug 9975 comment 1 [1] Nikunj pointed out that it is unclear how to
make atomic changes to the schema of a database. For example adding an
objectStore and a couple of indexes.

While it actually currently is possible, it is quite quirky and so I
think we need to find a better solution.

One way this is already possible is by calling setVersion. When the
success event fires for this request, it contains an implicitly
created transaction which, while it is alive, holds a lock on the
whole database an prevents any other interactions with the database.

However setVersion is a fairly heavy operation. We have discussed a
couple of different ways it can work, but it seems like there is
agreement that any other open database connections will either have to
be close manually (by for example the user leaving the page), or they
will be close forcefully (by making any requests on them fail). I
intend on sending a starting a separate thread on defining the details
of setVersion.

We might want to allow making smaller schema changes, such as adding a
new objectStore or a new index, without requiring all other database
connections to be closed. Further, it would be nice if "atomicness"
was a default behavior as to avoid people accidentally creating race

We've talked a bit about this at mozilla and have three alternative
proposals. In all three proposals we suggest moving the
createObjectStore to the Transaction interface (or possibly a new
SchemaTransaction interface). The createIndex function remains on
objectStore, but is defined to throw an exception if called outside a
transaction which allows schema changes.

Proposal A:
Always require calls to setVersion for changes to the database schema.
The success event fired on the setVersion request is a
IDBTransactionEvent. The author can use the createObjectStore method
on the transaction available on the event to create new object stores.

Additionally, since we know that no one else currently has an open
database connection, we can make creating objectStores synchronous.
The implementation can probably still asynchronously fail to create an
objectStore, due to diskspace or other hardware issues. This failure
will likely only be detected asynchronously, but can be raised as a
failure to commit the transaction as it is extremely rare.

The code would look something like:

if (db.version == "2.0") {
db.setVersion("2.0").onsuccess = function(event) {
  trans = event.transaction;
  store1 = trans.createObjectStore("myStore1", ...);
  store2 = trans.createObjectStore("myStore2", ...);
  trans.oncomplete = weAreDoneFunction;

Proposal B:
Add a new type of transaction SCHEMA_CHANGE, in addition to READ and
READ_WRITE. This transaction is required for any schema changes. As
long as the transaction is open, no other schema changes can be done.
The transaction is opened asynchronously using a new
'startSchemaTransaction' function. This ensures that no other
modifications are attempted at the same time.

Additionally, since we know that no one else currently is inside a
SCHEMA_CHANGE transaction we can make creating objectStores
synchronous. The implementation can probably still asynchronously fail
to create an objectStore, due to diskspace or other hardware issues.
This failure will likely only be detected asynchronously, but can be
raised as a failure to commit the transaction as it is extremely rare.

Code example:

if (db.objectStoreNames.contains("myStore1")) {
db.startSchemaTransaction().onsuccess = function(event) {
  // Have to check again as the objectStore could have been created
before the callback fired
  if (db.objectStoreNames.contains("myStore1")) {
  trans = event.transaction;
  store1 = trans.createObjectStore("myStore1", ...);
  store2 = trans.createObjectStore("myStore2", ...);
  trans.oncomplete = weAreDoneFunction;

Proposal C:
This is like proposal B, however the schema change transaction is
started synchronously, same as other transactions (we could even reuse
the existing transaction() function, however we'd have to ignore the
storeNames argument).

Since two different pages, running in different processes, could now
start a schema-change transaction at the same time, and thus could
call createObjectStore at the same time and attempt to create the same
store, we have to keep createObjectStore asynchronous.

Code example:

if (db.objectStoreNames.contains("myStore1")) {
trans = db.startSchemaTransaction();
trans.createObjectStore("myStore1", ...);
trans.createObjectStore("myStore2", ...).onsuccess = function(event) {
  store1 = trans.objectStore("myStore1");
  store2 = trans.objectStore("myStore2");
  store2 = trans.createObjectStore("myStore2", ...);
  trans.oncomplete = weAreDoneFunction;
trans.onerror = function(event) {

Note that in the last example, the onerror case is needed to handle
the condition that two pages attempt to create the same objectStore at
the same time. Because of this I'm really not a fan of Proposal C as
we're effectively relying on the page to handle a race condition.

Between the remaining two I think A is clearly simpler for the
developer. Yes, it does mean that any schema changes will require
closing all other tabs, but I'm not convinced this is a big deal.

I know people have talked about creating temporary objectStores which
are only needed for temporary computations. If that really is needed I
suspect that the existing createObjectStore function is the wrong
solution anyway as authors will have to deal with avoiding name
collisions between temporary stores. We might want to consider adding
a synchronous transaction.createTempObjectStore function which would
always be available and which would create a nameless objectStore
which is automatically deleted once a transaction ends. This might
reduce the need for schema changes without version changes.

/ Jonas

[1] http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=9975#c1

Received on Thursday, 24 June 2010 00:48:55 UTC