Re: IndexedDB WebIDL bugs

Thanks for the feedback, Dom!  I'm going to convert this over to a bug to
make sure it gets tracked and fixed.


On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 9:57 AM, Dominique Hazael-Massieux <>wrote:

> Hi,
> Glancing quickly at the editors draft of
> and with help from the WebIDL
> checker, I've found the following problems:
> * none of the interfaces/exceptions are marked with the extended
> attribute [NoInterfaceObject] — I doubt they are all meant to be visible
> in the global namespace
> * The IDBDatabaseException Interface uses the "attribute" keyword for
> "code" and "message" - exceptions don't have attributes, the keyword
> should be removed
> * IDBDatabaseSync.createObjectStore uses an extended attribute
> "[Null=Null]" on its second parameter - I suspect it was meant to be
> "[TreatUndefinedAs=Null]", and if so, the type of the parameter should
> be "DOMString?" rather than DOMString
> Based on the discussions on the list, and as the beginning of 3.3 seems
> to allude to, synchronous operations are only going to be used in
> Workers; I suggest to state that clearly, and also to start the first
> example of the spec with the async example if that's the one that is
> most likely to be used.
> Dom

Received on Friday, 21 May 2010 09:53:29 UTC