Re: widget example of CORS and UMP

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 7:53 PM, Ian Hickson <> wrote:
> On Thu, 13 May 2010, Dirk Pranke wrote:
>> The initial, insecure CORS solution is straightforward ... a "gadget"
>> running on My Yahoo! sends an XHR with the users' credentials to
>> "" and gets some JSON back.
> If I understand this right, you are saying that the user visits
>, and that page does an XHR to, right?


>> One interesting aspect of the CORS solution is that there is no way for
>> the CORS-based gadget to get another user's data; it is simply not
>> possible to request it, since a different set of cookies cannot be
>> included in the request.
>> The CORS solution requires you to believe in the security of proper
>> cookie handling. With an HttpOnly cookie, cookies can be handled pretty
>> safely but I imagine all of us are fairly aware that cookies get exposed
>> all the time and hence this is hardly a "perfect" solution, maybe just
>> "good enough".
>> One could also observe that with the naive implementation of the CORS
>> API, *any* site could trivially fetch the user's portfolio data, which
>> is presumably not desirable, and so Yahoo! Finance would also need to
>> check the Origin: header.
> Actually it just needs to send back a header saying that only
> is allowed to read it, and the client will take care of it.

True, with a trusted client (which is generally what we're assuming).
And an untrusted
client could of course forge the Origin header.

>> Now suppose that My Yahoo! allows the user to install third-party
>> gadgets. Suddenly neither Yahoo! Finance nor the browser can distinguish
>> a safe request from a trusted gadget from an unsafe request from an
>> untrusted gadget.
> If is running _untrusted_ script in the context of
>, then forget XHR -- the game is already over long before we
> get to CORS. For example, the script could do a convincing phishing
> attack trivially, get the user's credentials, and then send them to the
> attacker for use offline. UMP or CORS are irrelevant here.
> If you want to run untrusted script, you can use <iframe sandbox>, and
> then CORS is neutralised (since the Origin is unguessable and unforgable),
> which seems to me to be what we want in that scenario.


-- Dirk

Received on Friday, 14 May 2010 17:18:17 UTC