[widgets] Widgets test creation event

Hi All,
Firstly, as editor, I want to personally say thanks to everyone that
participated in creating tests for P&C in Dusseldorf! (and a huge
thanks to Vodafone for hosting). Hope the spec was not too painful to
write tests for:)

I'm wondering if we can get a quick summary of what happened during
the testing workshop. I assume a short report will be created?

In the meantime, it would be really helpful to know:

Apart from P&C, which other specs were tested?

Is test-suite-problems.txt [1] up to date and what is the purpose of
that file? Are those things that I need to fix or were they fixed

When will the tests from wgt.webvm.net be moved over to the W3C?

Kind regards,

[1] http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets/tests/test-suite-unstable.xml

Marcos Caceres

Received on Friday, 25 September 2009 10:43:08 UTC