Re: [File API] feedback on August 1/5 draft

On Wed, 12 Aug 2009 17:22:53 +0200, Arun Ranganathan <>  

> Michael Nordman wrote:
>> >The draft says a new UUID should be 'coined' for each method  
>> invocation.
>> (Why is that?) Given the coinage of a new url on each access, accessing  
>> it
>> thru an attribute feels a little odd.
> This should have been an editor's note, and not a part of the spec.  
> text.  The "unique" and "hard to guess" nature of the URL is covered by  
> both lifetime and origin requirements, and I think the "new coinage"  
> requirement was overkill without payoff :-)  I've eliminated that  
> requirement, and thus we now have filedata.url which returns a filedata:  
> scheme URL.

Maybe the attribute should be called "URL" for consistency with  

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Saturday, 22 August 2009 09:31:30 UTC