Re: [widgets] Please include a statement of purpose and user interaction expectations for <feature>

On Jun 16, 2009, at 15:42, Marcos Caceres wrote:

> Based on Arve and Robin's additional feedback, I've added  the
> following to the spec as part of "The Feature Element" section:
> "How a user agent makes use of features depends on the user agent's
> security policy, hence activation and authorization requirements for
> features are beyond the scope of this specification."
> Is that satisfactory?

I think it's better than what was in the spec before. However, if a  
reader doesn't already know what <feature> is for, I think the current  
text might not make it quite clear.

I notice that now the definition of what a feature is includes a video  
codec in addition to APIs. Does BONDI expect video codecs to be  
sensitive to security policies? Do you envision undeclared video  
codecs to be withheld from the HTML5 <source> fallback and  

Henri Sivonen

Received on Monday, 22 June 2009 13:24:31 UTC