Re: [DOM3Events] Use cases for Mutation Events

> Whether there are libraries that use them or not, I
> honestly can't tell. However there are scenarios where 3rd
> party libraries like jQuery or prototype might require to
> know if the document has mutated to update their internal
> data structures.

They do not know now if document is mutated (generally speaking), and the developers who use those libraries got used to that?
Also, if I am not mistaken, Webapps group is here to eliminate the very need in such libraries by standardazing and pushing the consistent API to the browsers world.

> For the 3rd party scripts, it's quite common for sites to
> deploy 3rd party scripts that embed links to social
> networking sites, bookmarking services, embedding ads,
> embedding videos, etc. If somehow the script breaks the main
> page's tree, a mutation event could help, although in these
> cases, probably the load events would be good enough.

3rd party libraries should rather provide an API to their functionality, than letting developers to discover effect they caused from the view (HTML/SVG).



Received on Thursday, 4 June 2009 12:45:21 UTC