Re: [DOM3Events] Use cases for Mutation Events

> Other thoughts:
> 1) If I am the author to the scripts that modify document, then I am indeed aware of what gets changed. If I am not the author, I shall then not have been notified on the change. The use cases such as "debugger" do not count here - it would be possible to offer required APIs (such as DOM Mutation Events) to them only, without needing the API to populate on the page. And this is not a sucrifice to run page 50% slower caused by the Mutation Events turned on on behalf of a debugger, right?

Use cases:
  - user triggered input, like when using contentEditable/designMode
  - 3rd party libraries which want to know if the document mutates out of their context
  - 3rd party scripts (like ad scripts, or link to social networking or sharing sites) that change the document and the document wants to keep some sanity in it


João Eiras
Core Developer, Opera Software ASA,

Received on Thursday, 4 June 2009 11:19:20 UTC