Re: Mutation events replacement

Hey Jonas,

nice proposal, overall I like it a lot.

On Jun 4, 2009, at 11:07 , Jonas Sicking wrote:
> 'AttributeChanged': Called when an attribute on the node is changed.
> This can be either a attribute addition, removal, or change in value.
> If setAttribute is called the 'AttributeChanged' listener is always
> called, even if the attribute is given the same value as it already
> had. This is because it may be expensive to compare if the old and new
> value was the same, if the value is internally stored in a parsed
> form.

I take it in this case the Attr node is what's passed? Might give a  
reason for its sorry existence :)

> 'ChildlistChanged': Called if one or or mode children are added or
> removed to the node. So for example when innerHTML is set, replacing
> 10 existing nodes with 20 new ones, only one call is made to the
> 'ChildlistChanged' listeners on that node.
> 'SubtreeChanged': Same as 'ChildlistChanged', but called not just for
> children added/removed to the node, but also to any descendants of the
> node.

If multiple nodes are changed at once, I'm guessing you call back with  
a DocumentFragment? For interoperability purposes, this would probably  
require a definition of what a single "DOM operation" is (or we could  
punt and say it's up to the implementation — after all so long as the  
script gets notified of changes everything should work).

I'm thinking we might need ChildElementsChanged and  
ElementsSubtreeChanged that would handle only elements as well.

> 'TextDataChanged': Called when the data in a Text, CDATASection or
> ProcessingInstruction, is changed on the node or any of its
> decendants.

Hmmmmm. If I set the listener on a PI, then I might be interested in  
this event — in which case it should be available on comment nodes  
too. But then again, it seems to imply that I wouldn't get notified of  
changes to the PI's target.

If on the other hand I listen to this on an element, I probably don't  
want to hear about changes made to PIs (or comments) in the subtree.

Robin Berjon -
     Feel like hiring me? Go to

Received on Thursday, 4 June 2009 10:56:43 UTC