Re: [widgets] What does it mean to have an unavailable API

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Scott Wilson
<> wrote:
> I think in such a case the UA should not be expected to make frob()
> available, and the Widget should not expect frob() to be present.
> For example, in the Shindig opensocial runtime, client JS is injected based
> on the <require> elements of the gadget. If it isn't declared, it isn't
> injected, and if you try calling those functions they just aren't there.
> What this does make less clear for me is in W:A&E why you'd ever want to
> call "hasFeature()"?

I agree. hasFeature should probably be dropped.

Marcos Caceres

Received on Tuesday, 2 June 2009 14:03:46 UTC