Re: Web Storage & SQL

Nikunj Mehta wrote:
>> One clear problem identified despite these examples is that we do not 
>> have a precise enough spec for the query language to make truly 
>> independent interoperable implementations possible.
> There are several different query languages that can be interoperably 
> implemented - Lucene provides one example, and Couch DB is another. What 
> makes you say that a truly interoperable implementation is not possible?

What Maciej said is that truly interoperable implementations of the spec 
as currently written are not possible.  This is so because it doesn't 
define the query language at all other than saying it's "SQL".

This says nothing about implementing a spec that actually specifies a 
query language.  (I don't consider "SQL" to be specification of a 
well-defined query language, for reasons raised earlier in this thread.)

> Can someone state the various requirements for Web Storage? I did not 
> find them enunciated anywhere.

This would be very welcome, yes.


Received on Friday, 10 April 2009 21:29:58 UTC