RE: [XHR] formdata test failure in Opera test suite



The PR looks good to me but I do not have a right to merge it.


The test facilitator for XHR has been Julian but I am glad to join the activity. What would be the general rule on this? The official test facilitator will be the only reviewer? Or all co-Editors will have the right to merge PRs?


My GH id is jungkees.






From: Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen [] 
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 5:15 AM
Subject: Fwd: [XHR] formdata test failure in Opera test suite


Hi, per Arthur B's request, I hereby ask for a review of the helper file added in


I didn't write it myself but it belongs to Opera's test suite and I guess I can handle questions should any arise. TIA!

Videresendt melding:

Fra: Arthur Barstow <>
Dato: 15:42:48 CEST 18. april 2013
Til: ext Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen <>, Jungkee Song <>
Emne: Re: [XHR] formdata test failure in Opera test suite

With, the proviso that we haven't yet (at least I haven't yet) completely sorted out WebApps' testing workflow vis-a-vis GH, I think the next steps are:

1. Someone announce this PR on public-webapps-testsuite and ask for review. (Hallvord, since you submitted the PR, I think this should be you.)

2. After someone reviews it and any issues are resolved, then Jungkee, as the XHR Test Facilitator, should accept the PR. (BTW, I think it's fine if Jungkee is a reviewer).

Does the above seem reasonable?


On 4/18/13 9:09 AM, ext Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen wrote:

Jungkee, doing some real test reviewing, notes:



I found the XHR test suite submitted by Opera is missing a

file, resources/upload.php; this leads formdata(-blob).htm

test cases go fail receiving 404 from server. Could you

follow up on this issue?




I don't know how files get from there to (not whether I should still have used the old hg repo for now) - but anyway, maybe Arthur Barstow knows, or can CC someone who can accept this and get it to the right place?


Received on Friday, 19 April 2013 03:18:07 UTC