Checkout of web-platform-tests pull request


Following a discussion on #webapps today, I've made a manual [*]
checkout of all the existing pull requests on the web-platform-tests

They have been checked out in using the labels of
the pull requests as the directory name (look at how many ways one can
spell "w3c:submission").

At least one submission checkout didn't succeed due to conflicts in
merging (

The purpose of these checkout is to make it somewhat easier to run the
submitted test cases in one's browser.

The discussion in #webapps had alluded to something more automated (e.g.
automatic checkout each time a pull request is made), but I didn't
manage to find a reasonable security approach within what the github API
offers; meanwhile, I expect a manual approach will work fine for now,
and I expect a more involved review system will provide a more automated
approach in the future.


[*] The following bash command checkouts all the open pull request on
the server, when run
in /u/
        for i in `cat ~/owp-pullrequests.json |grep '"label"'|grep -v
        "w3c:master" |cut -d '"' -f 4` ; do mkdir -p $i ; cd $i ; cp
        -r /u/
        web-platform-tests ; cd web-platform-tests ;
        req=`~/bin/git-pull-request |grep -B1 $i|head -1|cut -d " " -f
        2` ; ~/bin/git-pull-request $req ;
        cd /u/ ; done
where git-pull-request is modified with a "--no-edit" argument in the "git pull" call.
and ~/owp-pullrequests.json obtained via and

[in practice, a more reliable way to do this would be to use  "git
config --add remote.origin.fetch
'+refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*'" followed by "git pull" and
"git checkout pr/$number"]


Received on Wednesday, 10 April 2013 17:19:58 UTC