Adding WebSocket and WebWorker test suites to testing framework

Hi All,

To facilitate automated running of the WebSocket and WebWorker tests, 
what do you think about adding them to the test framework now(ish):


It appears there is a precedence to include various submissions as 
separate entries in the framework. For instance, there are currently 
three entries for IndexedDB: Microsoft, Ms2ger and Opera.

Should all of the submissions be added to the framework separately i.e. 
Workers/Microsoft, Workers/Opera, WebSockets/Microsoft and 
WebSockets/Ms2ger or should there first be some type of approval step 
first, such that there is a single entry for Workers and a single entry 
for WebSocket?

Simon - FYI, PLH just reported (in #testing channel) Opera's Workers 
tests jsframework.js (instead of testharness.js).

-Thanks, AB

Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2012 13:45:03 UTC