Re: Adding WebSocket and WebWorker test suites to testing framework

On Wed, 07 Nov 2012 13:29:18 +0100, Arthur Barstow <>  

> On 11/6/12 12:33 PM, ext Kris Krueger wrote:
>> Simon do you actually have to convert all the tests?
>> If all the browsers pass then it would seem best to no spend time  
>> converting these 'Opera' tests.
>> Since we'll delaying the spec from moving from CR -> PR waiting for  
>> this work to be completed.
> I'd rather not wait a "few months" to start the CR interop testing.

Then don't.

> Can someone identify the gap(s) Opera's tests fill and just port those  
> tests for now and port the others post PR? If we go that route, when can  
> that (presumably) smaller porting effort be completed?

This seems more effort than just converting all remaining tests. I suggest  
we continue the work with converting the tests on the basis of available  
time of those who volunteer to do the work, and take the tests that have  
been converted when you want to "start testing".

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Wednesday, 7 November 2012 12:46:28 UTC