- From: Arthur Barstow <art.barstow@nokia.com>
- Date: Tue, 01 May 2012 07:29:21 -0700
- To: public-webapps <public-webapps@w3.org>, "public-webapps-testsuite@w3.org" <public-webapps-testsuite@w3.org>
A Candidate Recommendation for Web Workers has been published and as such, this is a Call for Implementations of the CR: <http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/CR-workers-20120501/> The root of the spec's test mirror is: <http://test.w3.org/webapps/Workers/tests/>. CanIUse reports relatively broad deployment of the Worker interface <http://caniuse.com/#feat=webworkers> but less so for SharedWorkers <http://caniuse.com/#feat=sharedworkers>. (I will issue a separate call for tests on the public-webapps-testsuite list.) -AB
Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2012 14:29:58 UTC