Re: [whatwg/dom] Proposal for built-in method to synchronize elements with virtual DOM representation (Issue #1213)

FWIWI this looks like a no-go to me ... to start with, we need a vDOM specification/standard to adhere ... secondly, the variety of template literals based solutions would beg to differ around the topic: "*you don't need VDOM start with*" would be their answer and mostly none of these libraries indeed use such pattern, as it duplicates the amount of RAM needed to retain trees live (on DOM) and trees live on the VDOM representation.

@dead-claudia also already made a very valid point: VDOM differs from project to project (library or framework) so I don't see how this could land as a standard method, where there's no *sync* even beyond the VDOM scene.

In short, and *imho*:

  * define VDOM first
  * convince everyone on the Web space VDOM is even needed for reactivity
  * propose a standard new method with well defined step-by-step concrete action per each possible change you'd like to see applied to the living DOM

Until that, I am afraid this doesn't look like worth it ... if it is, I'll be happy to double the RAM on every library I have and have easier life diffing on my own things in JS literals and then propose changes to the browser as these come.

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Message ID: <whatwg/dom/issues/1213/>

Received on Wednesday, 25 September 2024 12:33:35 UTC