Re: [w3c/clipboard-apis] Split implementor interest and implementation bugs from PR template (PR #215)

@sanketj requested changes on this pull request.

>   * [ ] Modified Web platform tests (link to pull request)
-Implementation commitment:
+Implementation bugs are filed:
  * [ ] WebKit (

Don't we need an entry here for Firefox as well?

> @@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
 Closes #????
 For normative changes, the following tasks have been completed:
+ * [ ] At least two implementers are interested (and none opposed):

I agree that a template like this would be helpful, but I'm not sure if we should use "At least two implementers are interested (and none opposed)" as the condition for being able to land normative spec changes. This is a space where browsers already do not align with one another on several parts of the spec. Examples include: clipboard permission policy, web custom formats, sanitization. In the absence of interop, it has worked well in the past to at least document the behaviors of each engine in the spec. We should absolutely strive for interop with every change we make, but perhaps we need a better condition that allows for cases where browsers may have by-design differences.


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Message ID: <w3c/clipboard-apis/pull/215/review/>

Received on Wednesday, 22 May 2024 23:56:55 UTC