Re: [w3ctag/design-reviews] Permissions Policy Reporting and Report-Only mode (Issue #909)

> We remain concerned about lack of multi-implementer support for Permission Policy itself, as well as this proposal. Although this is out of scope for this review, it remains a general concern. We'd like to encourage you to continue the multi-implementer discussions for permission policy. Also do we have any indication of support from other implementers or stakeholders on this specific proposal?

Permissions Policy itself is now supported well in Safari, as of

In Firefox, the implementation is well behind the spec, with no support for the current header syntax, and only flagged support for the original `Feature-Policy` header. I'll see what I can do to unblock compatibility there.

I will poke at the standards position issues to gauge implementer support for reporting. For reference, those are here:

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Received on Tuesday, 21 May 2024 16:23:21 UTC