Re: [w3c/ServiceWorker] Editorial: fixed the bikeshed errors (PR #1715)

@yoshisatoyanagisawa commented on this pull request.

> @@ -2094,7 +2094,7 @@ spec: storage; urlPrefix:
                 1. Invoke [=Batch Cache Operations=] with |operations|. If this [=throws=] an exception, set |errorData| to the exception.
                 1. [=Queue a task=], on |cacheJobPromise|'s [=relevant settings object=]'s [=responsible event loop=] using the [=DOM manipulation task source=], to perform the following substeps:
                     1. If |errorData| is null, resolve |cacheJobPromise| with undefined.
-                    1. Else, reject |cacheJobPromise| with a [=exception/create|new=] [=exception=] with |errorData| and a user agent-defined [=exception/message=], in |realm|.
+                    1. Else, reject |cacheJobPromise| with a [=exception/create|new=] [=exception=] with |errorData| and a user agent-defined [=DOMException/message=], in |realm|.


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Message ID: <w3c/ServiceWorker/pull/1715/review/>

Received on Thursday, 9 May 2024 02:18:33 UTC