[w3c/push-api] Documentation: It's not clear how to specify the push service (Issue #355)

[The sequence diagram below](https://github.com/w3c/push-api/blob/gh-pages/images/sequence_diagram.png) shows that the web page subscribes to the user agent (no problem so far) and the user agent `subscribe()`s to the push service. However, it ...
1) ... is unclear (from the docs) how to specify the push service's location (URL/IP/...). 
2) ... seems currently not possible to specify the location of a push service. To me it looks like the user agent actually `subscribe()`s to the application server (as this is the only known target) and the application server "forwards"(?) the information to the push service.


It would be nice if the documentation could be more informative on this point.

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