Re: [w3c/clipboard-apis] Add clipboard IDL description. (#158)

@domenic commented on this pull request.

> +   <dt><code><var>clipboardItem</var>.<var>types</var></code>
+   <dd><p>Returns the list of <var>types</var> contained in the <var>clipboardItem</var> object.
+  </dl>
+  <h4 id="clipboard-item">Clipboard Item</h4>
+  A [=clipboard item=] is conceptually data that the user has expressed a desire to make shareable by invoking a "cut" or "copy" command.
+  <p class=note>
+   For example, if a user copies a range of cells from a spreadsheet of a native application, it will result in one [=clipboard item=]. If a user copies a set of files from their desktop, that list of files will be represented by multiple [=clipboard item=]s.
+  </p>
+  Some platforms may support having more than one [=clipboard item=] at a time on the [=Clipboard=], while other platforms replace the previous [=clipboard item=] with the new one. 
+  A [=clipboard item=] has a <dfn>list of representations</dfn>, each <dfn>representation</dfn> with an associated [=mime type=] and <dfn>data</dfn>.

Use `[=/MIME type=]` for the type defined elsewhere, and `[=representation/MIME type=]` for the field defined here.

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