Re: [w3c/clipboard-apis] Add clipboard IDL description. (#158)

@mbrodesser commented on this pull request.

> +   Creates a new {{ClipboardItem}} object. <var>items</var> are used to fill its MIME types and [=Promise=]s to [=Blob=]s or {{DOMString}}s corresponding to the MIME types, <var>options</var> can be used to fill its {{ClipboardItemOptions}},
+   as per the example below.
-    readonly attribute PresentationStyle presentationStyle;
-    readonly attribute long long lastModified;
-    readonly attribute boolean delayed;
+    <pre class="example javascript" highlight=js>
+     const format1 = 'text/plain';
+     const promise_text_blob = Promise.resolve(new Blob(['hello'], {type: format1}));
+     const clipboardItemInput = new ClipboardItem(
+      {[format1]: promise_text_blob},
+      {presentationStyle: "unspecified"});
+    </pre>

This looks like a note for web-developers. It seems it should be encapsulated in a "domintro" class. See That will create a "For web developers (non-normative)" box, as it can for instance be seen at

`types` and `getType` below should be changed in the same way.

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