Re: [whatwg/url] Review slashes after file:/// and file path normalization (#405)

> Is this clear enough? I can have a look at the state machine to see where to make the changes, but I'd like to be sure that there's some consensus about the approach first.

This makes sense to me, and I'm happy to say that Chrome is in favor of it at a high level. (In practice, Chrome is very slow to make changes to its URL parser, so this support doesn't necessarily translate into action. But it should be enough to help proceed with consensus-gathering.)

It sounds like your proposal mostly matches Safari, so probably if we can get @annevk's high-level sign-off for Mozilla, then we're ready to move on to the next step. We can perform a second round of checks with all the browser representatives once we have a spec patch/test results patch/complete listing of mismatches with current browsers.

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