Re: [heycam/webidl] Review handling of WindowProxy (#656)

>  That we assert that the JS value is not a Window object and when given a JS WindowProxy object, we return the IDL Window object for the JS WindowProxy's [[Window]] object?

This doesn't solve the point in step never goes through ES type matching.

It also doesn't solve the problem where specs assume they are operating on IDL `Window` objects. (E.g., in the method/getter/setter steps for `Window` or `WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope` IDL operations/attributes.) Right now step says

> Set idlObject to the IDL interface type value that represents a reference to esValue.

If that step was replaced with a proper type conversion (which is probably a good idea), then your suggestion would solve that problem.

> And that an IDL Window object is mapped back to a JS WindowProxy object (it seems this would have to go through the browsing context which isn't ideal).

This is probably also a good idea, for making more rigorous APIs that return `Window` objects like `top`, `open()`, `messageEvent.source`, etc. However currently the prose for most of those algorithms returns `WindowProxy` objects directly... would you want to change it to return `Window` objects, and then have IDL convert them back? That seems a bit indirect.

Currently I think HTML often hand-waves going from Window to WindowProxy, e.g. or or It's probably reasonable to formalize Window having a pointer back to its WindowProxy, if that ends up being helpful.

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