Re: [w3c/webcomponents] Allowing CSS combinators postfixed to the ::slotted() selector (#889)

@Danny-Engelman, @hayatoito's comment you screenshotted shows no performance metrics. I am not a browser developer, but I very much doubt (I could be wrong) that `::slotted(.foo) .bar` could really be so slow that it matters for the vast majority of use cases.

I wrote a comment about that at

What I mean is, there's plenty of ways to make _really slow_ selectors in regular DOM, without any shadow DOM even existing. We should not throw out an idea based on a single thought that said it would be slow without any viable data.

That sort of thought is like saying "multi-pass WebGL rendering is slower than single-pass rendering, so we should throw out multi-pass APIs". But multi-pass rendering can be very useful _when the performance implications fit within given constraints_.

We should give web developers useful selectors, and then explain to them that they should avoid re-running these selectors repeatedly; and that if they need to then it is perfectly fine if it fits within performance requirements for the application.

I feel that we're prematurely optimizing here.

Every single DOM API that exists can technically be slooow if we examine it within the context of a particular use case that happens to be the worst use case where we'd never want to perform the given action in the way it is performed.

#### The following would be bad (if it were supported):

connectedCallback() {
  requestAnimationFrame(function loop(t) {
    this.shadowRoot.querySelector('::slotted(.foo) .bar + .baz').style.transform = `rotateY(${10 * Math.sin(t * 0.001)}deg)`

####  while the following may be _**perfectly fine**_ (if it were supported) and would never ever cause any performance issue for its use case:

connectedCallback() {
  const el = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('::slotted(.foo) .bar + .baz')

  requestAnimationFrame(function loop(t) { = `rotateY(${10 * Math.sin(t * 0.001)}deg)`


@hayatoito (and @emilio from the other thread) Can you please expand on the performance issues, and provide useful metrics that we can reference here?

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