Re: [heycam/webidl] Define Web IDL Modules (#675)

littledan commented on this pull request.

> +        1.  Append the [=identifier=] of |member| to |exports|.
+    1.  Let |moduleRecord| be [=!=] [=CreateSyntheticModule=](|exports|, the following steps,
+        |realm|, undefined), with the following steps:
+        1.  [=list/For each=] |member| of |module|'s [=module/module members|members=]:
+            1.  Let |id| be |member|'s [=identifier=].
+            1.  If |member| is an [=interface=]:
+                1.  Let |interfaceObject| be the result of [=create an interface object|creating
+                    an interface object=] for |member| with |id| in |realm|.
+                1.  Perform [=!=] [=SetSyntheticModuleExport=](|moduleRecord|, |id|,
+                    |interfaceObject|).
+            1.  Otherwise, if |member| is an [=operation=]:
+                1.  Let |method| be the result of [=creating an operation function=] given
+                    |member|, |module|, and |realm|.
+                1.  Perform [=!=] [=SetSyntheticModuleExport=](|moduleRecord|, |id|, |method|).
+            1.  Otherwise:
+                1.  Assert: |member| is an [=attribute=] or a [=partial interface=].

Thanks for clarifying, you two. I don't have an opinion on this phrasing.

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