[w3ctag/design-reviews] Page Lifecycle for system initiated Discarding & Freezing (#283)

Hello TAGļ¼

I'm requesting a TAG review of:

  - Name: Page Lifecycle for system initiated Discarding & Freezing
  - Specification URL: https://wicg.github.io/page-lifecycle/spec.html
  - Explainer, Requirements Doc, or Example code: https://github.com/WICG/page-lifecycle/blob/master/README.md
  - Tests: not yet, the plan is here: https://github.com/WICG/page-lifecycle/issues/19
  - Primary contacts: spanicker@

We'd prefer the TAG provide feedback as (please select one):
  - [ ] open a single issue in our Github repo for the entire review

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Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2018 17:47:20 UTC