Re: [whatwg/fetch] History behind the decision to make fetch return a Promise (#611) was the commit where it got added to Fetch (note that Fetch is much more than the API, but I'm assuming by "this spec" you mean the API). has some early history in the service worker repository.

Looking through IM conversations @wycats further refined the shape of the API. (And I should probably add him to the acknowledgments section!)

It also got discussed and further changed based upon mailing list discussion: (search for "fetch").

There's also some archived IRC discussion at:

Looking through the material I think we also thought it would be much more common to subclass promise than it turned out to be.

I'll leave this open for a bit, perhaps @slightlyoff, @jakearchibald, @wycats, and others can add their anecdotes. Would be interesting.

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