Re: [whatwg/xhr] Wrong state after abort() (#88)

This code snippet from [Chromium's source]( spells it out (lines 1002-1038):

bool XMLHttpRequest::internalAbort()
    m_error = true;
    if (m_responseDocumentParser && !m_responseDocumentParser->isStopped())
    if (m_responseLegacyStream && m_state != DONE)
    if (!m_loader)
        return true;
    // Cancelling the ThreadableLoader m_loader may result in calling
    // window.onload synchronously. If such an onload handler contains open()
    // call on the same XMLHttpRequest object, reentry happens.
    // If, window.onload contains open() and send(), m_loader will be set to
    // non 0 value. So, we cannot continue the outer open(). In such case,
    // just abort the outer open() by returning false.
    RefPtr<ThreadableLoader> loader = m_loader.release();
    // If abort() called internalAbort() and a nested open() ended up
    // clearing the error flag, but didn't send(), make sure the error
    // flag is still set.
    bool newLoadStarted = m_loader;
    if (!newLoadStarted)
        m_error = true;
    return !newLoadStarted;

If `internalAbort()` returns true (i.e. a nested `open()` was done), `abort()` does not set the state to `UNSENT`.

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Received on Friday, 14 October 2016 15:59:14 UTC